The Centre for Conservation Geography is an interdisciplinary research consultancy established in 2011 to provide expert technical support and advice to government and non-government stakeholders.
Our primary focus is on applying world’s best practice and decision support for optimised biodiversity conservation outcomes.
Based in Australia, we are a multidisciplinary team with expertise in marine and terrestrial protected area planning. Our skills include scientific research, biogeography, GIS analysis, mapping, advocacy and evidence-based policy development.
We can support conservation decision-making across the world’s ecoregions, and currently have projects across Australia and in Antarctica.
A selection of our work on terrestrial and marine conservation
Discussion paper: Considerations for a marine protected area in CCAMLR MPA Planning Domain 9 – the Amundsen-Bellingshausen Sea
Introduction The Southern Ocean is an area of marine wilderness containing some of the Earth’s most remote and intact marine ecosystems. Southern Ocean ecosystems support biodiversity, provide resources for commercial fisheries, and drive global climate patterns...
The Enduring Pilbara
Introduction The Pilbara epitomises endurance – over geological, evolutionary and cultural timeframes. Geologically, the region is defined by a robust piece of continental crust that has survived billions of years of tectonic upheavals. The Pilbara’s plants and...
The creation of highly protected co-designed marine parks
Introduction This submission is a response to the “Proclamation proposal for the establishment of marine parks in Australia’s Indian Ocean Territories (IOT) (Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands)”. These marine park proposals have been co-designed with the...
Review of the proposed management plans for marine parks in the Buccaneer Archipelago and surrounds
Executive Summary The Bardi Jawi, Mayala and Dambeemangarddee are the owners, managers, and custodians of their sea country. The proposed marine parks for the Buccaneer Archipelago and surrounds reference the Bardi Jawi Protected Area Management Plan 2013 – 2023, the...
Sea lions, Seadragons and Seaweeds
Executive Summary Western Australia’s south coast has had a long time to generate its biological riches – with about 80 million years of isolation from other continents and a long-equitable climate that has allowed it to avoid mass extinction events resulting from...
Get in touch: hello@conservationgeography.org
ABN: 880 6869 7594