by | | Australian Marine Environment, Reports
In reviewing the available data on the North-west Marine Reserve Network the Centre for Conservation Geography makes five key findings relating to a review of the zoning plans for the North-west Marine Reserves (the North-west Marine Reserve Network and it’s zoning...
by | | Australian Marine Environment, Reports
In reviewing the available data on the North Marine Reserve Network the Centre for Conservation Geography makes five key findings relating to a review of the zoning plans for the North Marine Reserves (the North Marine Reserve Network and its zoning was passed into...
by | | Australian Marine Environment, Reports
In reviewing the available data on the Coral Sea the Centre for Conservation Geography makes five key findings relating to a review of the zoning plan for the Coral Sea Marine Reserve (the Coral Sea Marine Reserve and its zoning was passed into law by the Abbott...
by | | Australian Marine Environment, Reports
As part of the development of Australia’s Commonwealth marine parks network the Federal Government commissioned a series of independent reviews to determine which commercial fishing practices could be allowed to continue within the multiple use, or partially...
by | | Australian Marine Environment, Reports
Report: Critical Gaps in proposed Marine Sanctuary Network Executive Summary On Thursday the 5th of May, 2011 the Australian Government proposed a number of marine sanctuaries for the Commonwealth waters of the South-west planning region. The south west of...